Thursday 18 August 2011

Art Responses to Literature

Started the old school bin purge this week.  9 years of teaching grades K to 8 leads to a lot of Rubbermaid bins!  And a lot of recycling bins :)

Check out what I found: Criteria for Assessing Art Responses to Literature.  Unfortunately no original source mentioned.

Dear Photograph, Flotsam, Round Trip

Thanks to Missy for this cool idea!  Check out this website: Dear Photograph
The students "take a picture of a picture from the past in the present".  Missy thought the students could use a photograph of their vacation and draw the background around the photo.  Or they could do this at home and bring in the new photograph.  Or you could take the picture of your students at the beginning of the school year and repeat in a different season.  So many ideas!

It reminds me of my TLCP postcard project this year.  We found a similar idea in the picture book: Flotsam by David Wiesner.  We supplemented our project with activities for the picture book: Round Trip by Ann Jonas.

Here are the activities we used: Through The Lens.
Oh and check out this art activity: Sunset Silhouettes inspired by Round Trip.

Curriculum Connections:
Drama 1.4 Communicate feelings and ideas using audio, visual / technology to support and enhance work.

Drama 2.1 Express personal responses (thoughts, feelings, ideas) and make connections to drama experiences (characters, themes, issues) in own work.
Music 3.1 Identify the role of music in community today.
Visual Arts 1.2 Create a narrative work considering the foreground, middle ground and background.
Reading Point of View 1.8 First person point of view - writing in role.
Media Literacy 2.2 Discuss: how does music help convey the message of the text?

Saturday 6 August 2011

Last Night's Nightmares

Here's my favourite poem to begin the school year:  Last Night's Nightmares by Kenn Nesbitt.  This poem has great vocab that interests both boys and girls.  It is also a great small group activity for the beginning of the year.  The poem can be found at: Last Night's Nightmares.

Teacher Prep - cut the poem into individual words and put in a baggy.  Provide the students with a poem in a bag, a piece of constuction paper and glue. 

The Activity - the students piece together their own poem / story titled "Last Night's Nightmares."  You can encourage your students to recognize capitals and punctuation.  Each group shares their new version of the poem.  When each group has presented share the original poem.  EXTENSION: the students can dramatize their poem or they can create a comic strip.

Find more poetry by Kenn Nesbitt at:
Find more funny poetry for kids at: Giggle Poetry.

GR 2+3 Curriculum Connections:
Reading Familiar Words 3.1 Automatically read and understand many high-frequency words.
Writing Classifying Ideas 1.4 Sort information for their writing in a variety of ways, with support and direction.
Writing Punctuation 3.4 Use punctuation to help communicate their intended meaning (periods, commas).
Oral Communication Active Listening Strategies 1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate listening behaviour by using active listening strategies in order to contribute meaningfully and work constructively in groups.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Personal Recount - Summer Travel Brochure

When I started teaching 10 years ago, I taught grade 3.  My first principal sat down with me Labour Day Weekend and guided me through my first day.  He said get them to write about what they know: their summer holiday.  In other words, write a personal recount or retelling of personal experiences.  The students choose 3 events (highlight favourite moments) from their summer and write a paragraph for each one.  Keeping in mind it is the first assignment, some basic language conventions include:
  • paragraphs focus on one topic and include the setting (5Ws)
  • written in simple past tense
  • use of action verbs (e.g., went, saw)
  • use of personal pronouns (e.g., I, we)
  • details of and personal responses to the event
If you know me I like to go deeper.  So the final draft will be a Travel Brochure.  It will include photographs (real or digital) and illustrations of the events .  When I get a chance I will post my planning guide and template for the brochure. 

Looking for more info - check out the First Steps Writing Resource Book.  It has some great ideas on recounts as well as an easy to follow assessment guide.

GR 2+3 Curriculum Connections:
Writing Classifying Ideas 1.4 Sort ideas and information for their writing (e.g., use of graphic organizers).
Writing Developing Ideas 1.2 Generate ideas to identify personal experiences (e.g., use of the five W’s).
Writing Form 2.1 Write short texts (e.g., a personal or factual recount of events or experiences that includes photographs or drawings and captions).
Media Litercy Form 2.1 Identify some elements and characteristics of media forms.
Media Literacy Conventions and Techniques 3.3 identify conventions and techniques for a media text they plan to create (e.g., a pamphlet could require titles, headings, subheadings, captions, different font sizes, colour, and illustrations).
Media Literacy Producing Media Texts 3.4 produce media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using a few simple media forms and appropriate conventions and techniques (e.g., an illustrated pamphlet).

25 Designs - visual arts idea

Here are 2 student samples of my beginning of year assignment - 25 designs.  The art on the left is by a grade 3 student and the right is by a grade 7 student.  The concept here is bright colours (pencil crayons) and a variety of shape and form with a focus on detail.  The sudent's name should appear somewhere in the design.
GR 2+3 Curriculum Connections:
GR2+3 VA
D1.3 Use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas and messages.
Elements of Design: colour, shape and form
Principles of Design: variety: strong contrasts (e.g., use of different shapes and colours to create interest).

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Name City - visual arts idea

Here is an art idea I had for the beginning of year - create a name cityQuite a few years ago I was in an airport and there was a mural of words that created a city.  Here is my version: the students trace an apartment or house template (depending on size of name) to outline the space for their name.  They then add details such as windows and doors as well as green space around.  They will cut these out so all trees / flower gardens must be attached to their building.  The students outline their art with a black sharpie.  Lastly they colour using pencil crayons.

GR 2+3 Curriculum Connections:
GR3 SS Compare buildings and structures in urban and rural communities.
GR2+3 VA D1.1 Create two-dimensional works of art that have the community as their subject.
Elements of Design: shape and form: symmetrical shapes, asymmetrical shapes and forms in both the human-made environment and the natural world (e.g., shapes and forms in buildings).

visual arts labels

This year I made labels for the back of my kids artwork containing the basic art principles or media used in the project.  Here is my visual arts year in review (gr 3+4) for 2010-11.
visual arts labels 2010-11

visual arts curriculum expectations by term

Grade 2+3 Visual Arts
Long Range Plans 2011–12
Black (all)
Green (GR3 extension)

Term 1
Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings
D1.3 use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, messages, and understandings
D1.4 use a variety of materials, tools, and techniques to respond to design challenges
Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of art works and art experiences
D2.1 express personal feelings and ideas about works of art / about art experiences and images
D2.2 explain how elements and principles of design are used to communicate meaning or understanding in their own and others’ art work
Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of art forms, styles, and techniques from the past and present, and their social and/or community contexts
D3.1 identify and describe a variety of visual art forms they see in their home, at school, in the community, and in visual arts experiences

Term 2
Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings
D1.1 create two- and three-dimensional works of art that express personal feelings and ideas inspired by activities in their community or observations of nature / inspired by the environment or that have the community as their subject
D1.2 demonstrate an understanding of composition, using principles of design to create narrative art works or art works on a theme or topic
Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a variety of art works and art experiences
D2.3 demonstrate an awareness of signs and symbols / of the meaning of signs and symbols encountered in their daily lives and in works of art
D2.4 identify and document their strengths, their interests, and areas for improvement as creators of art
Exploring Forms and Cultural Contexts: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of art forms, styles, and techniques from the past and present, and their social and/or community contexts
D3.2 demonstrate an awareness of a variety of works of art and artistic traditions from diverse communities, times, and places